Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The secret to generating positive energy

Many of the people who are unaware of the existence of metaphysical forces are actually very sensitive, notice that everyone wants to hang around the people who carry positive energy and those who have negative energy eventually become psychic vamps and nobody likes hanging around them because they'll just end up feeling drained afterwards.

Call it charisma if you like, but I call it one of the ways we can meet new friends and perhaps even a spouse, lover or partner, while attracting wealth, health, abundance, happiness and inner peace along the way. So what is this technique that allows us so many benefits? You ask.

Well, it's simple really, it's just visualization, but before you leave this page because you already know how to do visualization, hear me out; the problem with visualization today is that people use it to protect themselves, do energy work, work with white light beings etc. But they aren't doing it to manifest happiness in the physical plane.

So let's start with the 'new' basics of visualization, before this, I have always stuck to the rules, though I knew spirituality and psychic abilities have no bounds, so I'm going to go out on a limb here and change the traditional basics of visualization. It is important to remember, visualization is not about seeing oneself using the eyes of the mind and spirit, but rather to feel what you see as if you were there.

  1. cultivate inner peace, before we start visualizing, bring yourself into a state of calmness before visualization, I believe many of the experienced energy workers can do this easily.
  2. visualize roots growing from the bottoms of your feet deep into the earth, let them draw up energy and ground you.
  3. affirmation is crucial in giving off positive energy, now say :"I am a tree rooted deep into the earth, no wind can disturb me." I want you to savor the words, think on them and feel them roll off your tongue, really focus on your emotions, if the affirmation did not make you feel better about yourself, then you can try using one you find works for you.
  4. Once the energy drawn from the earth fills you up, send it upwards to the heavens, then draw it down after it has been purified there, bring it back into your body.
  5. Now breathe all negativity out o the body and breathe in positivity.
  6. Cleanse the negativity with a white light visualization in which white light comes out of your body in a wave that sweeps your energy field and cleanses the negativity. Start the wave in the tiniest cell in your heart, and work its way out.
  7. Now start at 10 and count your way down, you may imagine stairs if you like, but I find that it is hard to get into a meditative state when I visualize stairs, I prefer getting more and more focused and sinking into concentration even more with each number, which is the original use for the steps anyways.
  8. When you are completely focused at 0, you've reached the ground, no longer the stairs, or for those of us who don't like the stairs, we've sunk all the way down into our deepest meditative form, it is important to remember that when visualizing, you should breathe deeply, our minds are not water, you can breathe while sunk in concentration. Remember when visualizing, you can see yourself as the ideal person you want to be.
  9. Now close your visualized eyes and open them again, see that the scenery has changed and you are now on a grass plain with beautiful white flowers on it. In the distance you see the sea. The grass plain has flower petals flying everywhere, yet the wind you feel is only a slight breeze and the weather is warm but not stifling. The flowers give off a faint but sweet scent. Butterflies are drawn to the plain, as are beautiful, colorful hummingbirds, who fly around a flowering tree near the edge of the plain.
  10. Now pick a flower, inspect it closely, reach out a finger to let a butterfly land on it, do the same with the hummingbirds, put your hands together and cup them to let a full blossom fall from the tree into your hands in one piece, it is (your favorite color) it is beautiful, inspect it closely, take in the scent.
  11. let the hummingbirds sing you a cheerful song and make a flower chain with the flowers. Trust me, males, it's okay, you can do this too, do not be embarrassed because gender stereotypes are so shallow, see past the mundane. Let everything here make you happy, laugh, smile, if you're a girl, spin in a nice dress.
  12. If you are female or a male comfortable with doing this, then wear the chain as a wreath around your head, like a crown, if you are a male still caught up in gender stereotypes, where it loosely around your neck like a Hawaiian necklace.
  13. Next simply lie down on the grass, which is soft and lush,  feel the world around you, you've never been so at peace and you haven't felt this sense of wanting to explore since you were a child, mentally remember this place and 'snapshot' it as I like to call it, meaning to save some of it in your mind so you can escape there again. Feel at one with the place
  14. feel the positivity radiating off you, remember that feeling.
  15. Open your real eyes now. The positivity lingers, do this again anytime you're feeling strain. So when your energy is positive in this manner others will want to be around you.

So where does the manifesting wealth, health, abundance and happiness come in? Well, the law of attraction states that by being positive, we attract positive fortune, but to take action, remember the ideal you? Work towards being that person, some traits you might include:

  • carefree
  • positive
  • happy
  • calm

Remember, that happiness does not need money, money just makes it easier to enjoy things. So if you must, you can work on the mundane too and study hard, or get a promotion or something like that. Positively affirm yourself, you can do this. Maintaining a positive attitude will attract positive people and events.

Good luck~! Joseph out

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